Basketball is one of the most popular sports in the world. It is usually played indoors and consists of two five player teams. The object of the game is to score goals through one of the two baskets.
Court Measurement: 28m long by 15m wide (30.62yrds by 16.4 yrds) maximum, to 22m long by 13m wide (24.06yrds by 14.22yrds) minimum.
Halfway Line: Parallel to the end lines and extend 15cm (5.9in) beyond the sidelines intersecting them at their midpoint.
Centre Circle: Radius of 1.Bm (1.97yrds) from the centre of the court.
Free Throw Lines: 3.6m (3.94yrds) long each drawn parallel to the end lines and 5.80m (6.34yrds) from the inside edge of the end line.
Restraining Circle: radius 1.8m (1.97yrds) and should be continued by a broken line in the restricted area.
Restricted area: marked by joining the ends of each free throw line to the end line, so that they intersect the end line 3m (3.28yrds) from the centre of the end line, the width of te restricted area is 6m (6.56yrds) at the end line.
Three short lines 10cm (3.94in) in length and 5cm (1.97in) in width and one block 10cm in length and 40cm in width, are marked on each side of the restricted area creating three spaces extending at right angles.
The lines and block are marked from the end line: first mark - 1.75m, (191yrds) second mark (block) - 0.9m (.98yrds), third and fourth mark - 0.9m (0.98yrds). The internal measurements reading 0.85m, 0.85m and o.85m (33.49in, 33.49in and 33.49in).
3 Point Field Goal Areas: A semicircle with a radius of 6.25m (6.84yrds) is marked on both ends of the centre of the basket (ie 1.57m (1.72yrds) from the centre of the inside edge of the end line). The ends of the semicircle are continued parallel to the side lines and terminate at the end line.
Backboards: 2m (2.19yds) wide by 1m (1.09yds) high, each backboard should be mounted 2.17m (2.95yds) above the court with the basket measuring 45cm (1Bin) in diameter. the boards should overhang the playing court by 1.2m.
Line Width: 5cm (1.97in) wide.
Colour: White