Rugby Union was designed primarily as an amateur sport, consisting of two 15 player teams.
Pitch Measurement: 100m (109yrds) in length by 70m (75yrds) in width maximum.
Minimum permissible dimensions should be laid down in the rules of the competition in which a match is played.
Dead Ball Line: Should not be less than 1Om (10.94yrds) or more than 22m (24.06yrds) from the goal line.
The six short lines are marked 5m (5.47yrds) in front of and parallel to the goal lines and at the 5m and 15m lines. These lines are 1m (1.09yrds) long.
Goal Lines: 22m (24yrds) from the end line on either side of the field.
Goal Posts: Extend upwards by at least 3.4m and are 5.6m (612yrds) apart measured from the inside of the posts, They are connected by a crossbar 3m (3.28yrds) from the ground to the top edge of the cross bar.
10 Metre Line: The broken line is marked 1Om from and parallel to the halfway line on both sides and 5m from and parallel to the touch line, again on both sides.
Line Width: 5cm (1.97in) wide
Colour: Typically White
When the lines for Rugby Union are being marked the touch lines are in the in-touch area. The goal lines are in the in-goal area. The dead ball line is not in the in-goal area. The touch-in goal lines and corner posts are in the touch-in-goal area.
N.B. In certain competitions, provisions need to be made for two technical areas. They are not to exceed 1Om2 and will beat least 1m from the touchline. The technical areas must be clearly designated between the touchline of the pitch and any perimeter or pitchside fencing or barrier.